Poor KimYe! Beyonce Allegedly Goes Off On Kim Kardashian Over Kanye West! - Exclusive Music and Entertainment Portal Poor KimYe! Beyonce Allegedly Goes Off On Kim Kardashian Over Kanye West! | Exclusive Music and Entertainment Portal

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Poor KimYe! Beyonce Allegedly Goes Off On Kim Kardashian Over Kanye West!

AllHipHop circulated rumors that Beyonce allegedly goes off on Kim. While this could be completely untrue, it’s actually not hard to believe given Kanye’s recent antics. Word on the street has always been that Beyonce didn’t care for Kim Kardashian, and now she apparently doesn’t care for her former “brother” and Kim’s husband, Kanye West either.

Back in November, Ye went on a series of rants that included him calling out Jay Z for their deteriorating relationship, and Beyonce for allegedly rigging the MTV VMAS.

It has been said that Kim has tried to mend the relationship with Jay and Ye to no avail.

Now according to RadarOnline, an insider claims that Beyonce had a bit to say about KimYe!.

    “Beyonce flipped out on Kim when Kim called her to try and soothe tensions after Kanye’s hospitalization. Basically she told Kim to never, ever, contact her or her husband again and said stuff like she thought that the two of them are made for each other because they are both talentless and pathetic!” says the source.

While this sounds like it could be fabricated, it also sounds like that old Houston Beyonce could’ve crept out too. If you were wondering, North & Blue still haven’t gone on that playdate. LMAO.

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