No Photoshop, Tupac Is Alive and hanging out with Rihanna in Cuba (See Photo for Proof) - Exclusive Music and Entertainment Portal No Photoshop, Tupac Is Alive and hanging out with Rihanna in Cuba (See Photo for Proof) | Exclusive Music and Entertainment Portal

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

No Photoshop, Tupac Is Alive and hanging out with Rihanna in Cuba (See Photo for Proof)

This is no Photoshop, the real legendary Tupac is alive and photos revealed that he is currently now in Cuba. We compile series of photos he took with Rihanna as they hang out in Cuba!!

19 years ago, it was rumored that rap legend Tupac Shakur who was gunned down at aged 25 in a drive-by shooting in 1996. (SEE PHOTO BELOW)

That story is really fake now as it has been revealed that he is alive and well. Conspiracy theorists have created websites dedicated to analyzing Tupac’s music for clues that prove the rapper, who would now be 44, faked his own death. Now entertainment website Reporterz claims a leaked photo being shared on social media is that of the deceased rap star and pop starlet Rihanna, 27. The media outlet say that the pictures confirm that the rapper has been in hiding in Cuba for the last 19 years.

Although Rihanna is yet to comment on the photo but now another picture has leaked.

OMG now that does look like 2pac! So do you think Rihanna will speak up about this or is it photoshop?

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